Product Review-A Great Holiday Gift!

Product Review In Time For The Holidays!

As you know, I like to review products that I think you all would like. My opinions are always my own and this latest one is very worth it! I was contacted by Brightech that makes magnifying lamps in all shapes and sizes. When I first got the email, my first thought was one of those magnifying mirrors that lights up so you can put on make up. lol NOPE! I wouldn’t get that because I am well aware of my wrinkles and don’t need them magnified at 300000%.

No this is a lighted magnifying lamp that is perfect for people who are “crafty”! DIY and Pinterest users, this is awesome! I was told I could choose whatever lamp I wanted. Usually I go for the most expensive lol but the one I knew I needed was the Brightech LightView Pro Flex 2 in 1. I can attach it to any desk/table surface with the really heavy duty chip-clip looking thing and the stand works perfect alone too. This lamp is very sturdy and I’m in love!


I do a lot of pictures for social media and I have already used the lamp to help me create super professional stock photos! YEAH! My husband loves it because he is forever breaking his glasses and now he can use the magnifying lamp to see where to screw it back together. lol

Not only that but I can actually use if for reading, looking at tiny objects that I swear was a baby spider but ended up being fuzz off my sock! AND it looks great in my office. I think the prices of these lamps are very competitive and it shipped to me in one day. I’m sold.


So if you are looking for the gift that everyone can use, check out their products here:

So many products! Check out their string lights too!

Here is the link to all the magnifying lights:

See, I would never steer Y’all wrong…:)

Happy Holidays!

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