12 Christmas – Hanukah Gift Ideas for Hip, Margarita Drinking Women. (or wine)


Don’t you get so tired of the gift cards, coupon books of hugs, coffee mugs, Christmas décor and all around “practical” holiday gifts you get every year? Ladies, feel free to share this with the hubby and family!

This is Midlife Margaritas guide to buying Christmas/Hanukah gifts that you will actually use! I’m not saying the spa day gift card or the expensive dinner out or even the maid service gifts are bad, but here is a list you can really get behind! Feel free to comment what else you would want!

Disclaimer: I do not own the pictures, but click on them to go straight to the site to buy! If any company does not want their product pictured (why wouldn’t you?) let me know and I will remove it very reluctantly so please don’t sue me.

  1. From Ring.com everyone wants this awesome gift they have seen on TV. Where the lady is getting a pedi and her phone alerts her that someone is stealing packages from her porch and she gets to yell at them from her massage chair! Who wouldn’t want this? Plus, you never have to get off the couch again to see who’s at the door! Is it a solicitor? A thief or bad guy? You will know in seconds!


2. At this stage in our life, we need water or some type of liquids everyday. We can get so   parched or even end up in the hospital needing IV therapy. We want to avoid that unless it’s really a day spa. So for the water or even hot coffee, check into this from S’well.


3. Under that same premise, we can also stay hydrated with this from H2O Coach:

waterbottle                                                                                 Kinda like a motivational speech right on their bottle!

4. Are your feet cold at night? Or during the day when you’re just hanging out watching Netflix with the dog? Well, you need cool slippers! May I recommend these?:


How cute? Margaritas slippers! Yes, please.

5.  Are you already wearing glasses or contacts or already had the surgery to fix your old eyes? If so, skip to #6. If not, you need new readers!!!!! If you can’t read the label on your medicine bottle, you can still look hip with these on.


They come in so many styles and colors!

6. This is the year we are bringing back Cocktail Parties! 2019 we will show the millennials how it’s done. Classic, dress up and knock back drinks with friends while eating cheeseballs and crackers. You are certainly gonna need one or two of these from Margaritaville!


7.  When you are not entertaining and just want to have a few margaritas, my go to brand is Laughing Glass. They understand the cocktail party life!


8.  We are also in the stage of life where we can’t remember where we put anything. Am I right? So what to do? Don’t worry gals, I gotcha. Tile, is the way to go and they look pretty cute too:


9.  In 2019 I’m going to get my neck in shape by using a neck pillow. Think of the money it will save you from having to get your neck adjusted all the time. Unless your chiropractor is hot) Just use one of these and you will see Netflix in a whole new light. 🙂


10.  The monthly box thing is really popular right now. Are you part of the ‘in crowd’? You can make this even more fun by videoing every time you get your box so all your friends on Facebook will be so envious they didn’t get a subscription for Christmas! Be the envy girls! From FabFitFun.


11. Now that we are older, we wonder where are we from? Who are our ancestors? Can we find siblings we didn’t know about? Yes m’am! DNA kits From Ancestry.com


12.  I know it’s horrible to think about death and dying but let’s be prepared. In a fun way! Turn those ashes into a tree! It’s just fascinating. From livingurn.com


There you have it. Midlife Margaritas guide to real midlife fun gifts for 2018. What is your favorite?

Cheer’s Y’all!


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