And Away to College. Again.

And Away to College Again!

Thing 2 left for his sophomore year at college. This year, he is off campus in an apartment with two friends. I’m not a fan of living off campus. I know all the kids do it, yada, yada, yada. I lived off campus for a brief time. Hated it. No desire to get up and drive to campus to go to class. Had to clean my own space, had one roommate so no real distractions and way too quiet. I was one of the weird kids who loved living on campus.

So last week we drove to the coastal town where Thing 2 goes to school and helped him move into his apartment. We had seen the model apartment last spring when he signed the lease. It was very nice. And while I realized that his apartment would not be the same (because we were shown a “model” apartment) I didn’t expect it to be as nasty as it was. I get that it’s a college student housing apartment complex and college kids are generally not the cleanest or the most careful with things, but this was awful.

No working light fixture in the living area. Busted doors replaced with older doors that didn’t match the paint. Paint all over the carpets but in reality, no new paint was on the walls. Outlet covers missing and the nice patio area had been splashed with an entire bucket of blue paint. Nice.

Thing 2 knew I would flip the F out but I was cool. I let Big Daddy go to the main office and threaten everyone with calling the city for code violations. This had things happening quickly and finally repairs were being done. Now I am not going to name the complex because they did take care of things and it really is a nice place. I just think they neglected a few things and some of their contractors were pretty shitty. But it’s all good now. I was just disappointed because this is Thing 2’s first apartment.

He’s been gone a few days now. I haven’t heard a word except when I texted to see how things were on day 2. He replied, “great!”. That was it. lol At least he responded with the one word.

All I can hope is that he goes to class, gets a job to pay for extras and gas for his car. Stays out of the ocean because sharks and riptides. That he has fun. Enjoys life and eats real food. They have a kitchen with a microwave so I am assuming he can heat up a few things on occasion. Just in case, I got him a meal plan on campus.

The mother in me lost her mind when I ordered him a new pack back to replace the one he has had since middle school. I wasn’t thinking clearly and had his name monogramed on the back pack. His WHOLE name! When it came in and I saw it, I was mortified. He’s an adult and his damn mom got his name monogramed on his college back pack! So I showed it to him and he was like, “mom, you know I’m going to be bullied right?” And then we laughed and laughed. I told him to cover it with duck tape. Sorry kid. Lost my mind and was thinking you were still my little boy. 😦

So while I did take pictures of things in his apartment, I forgot to get the obligatory pictures of Thing 2 and his roomies. I am sure they are happy I forgot. I miss him. But I don’t miss the mess. I have my office back to normal. Except a few things of Thing 1’s. You know he moved back home for awhile. Not sure how long “awhile” is. But, life with boys is always a surprise. Mostly good. Noisy, but good.

Got to have Llama Salt & Pepper Shakers (yep, that’s a beard)

Oh and has a fun thing, you know I’m an Amazon Influencer so I wanted to show you my latest must haves from Amazon. It’s almost Fall so click on the picture below and check  out the Cool Deals List!


Peace, Love and Margaritas!

4 responses to “And Away to College. Again.”

  1. OMG, it’s like we are on a similar life path.
    My oldest goes back this week and she is also a sophomore in college AND she is also living in an apartment with three other girls, but not off campus.
    It is owned by the university so it’s like a baby step out of the dorms, so I don’t anticipate it being horrible but definitely an upgrade from the dorm she shared with three roommates.

    Sending you a hug virtually because even though we’ve done this before, it never gets easier. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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