No Politics, Race or Covid Today Bitches!

Everything I see, read or hear is all about the above title. Not today on Midlife Margaritas! We are about to change the world and talk about something else. Anything else. lol How about let’s discuss getting our shit together? I mean we are all wandering around our houses like clueless aliens not knowing what to do next. So what do we do?

  1. Let’s organize our house one room at a time. Get all those clothes together and give them to charity. Because people are going to be in need of them soon if not already.
  2. Now clean the house. You know you haven’t cleaned in a very long time. If you have then you don’t even need me to help you get back to the living.
  3. All the junk in your house, get it in piles, take pictures and sell it all! From Facebook Market Place to Ebay. You can sell it all off and stash the cash for a girl’s night out when the bars open back up!
  4. Now you have a clean house and the junk is gone. Time to adopt a pet! Rescue, Rescue, Rescue! Your life is about to get interesting!
  5. Walk your pet. Even cats! Get in shape. Yoga on YouTube!
  6. Make a list of things you want to do and get out and do it/explore and take pictures for Instagram.
  7. If you have been out of a job, start looking for something you can do from home, like blog or write a book.
  8. No more TV. Just watch the streaming movie channels like Disney+, Hulu and Netflix.
  9. Sit outside and drink your morning coffee, watch the birds or play on your computer on the back porch. Get some Vitamin D.
  10. Finally, reach out to your friends and family and encourage them or get them to laugh. We all need it!

See, we just accomplished “getting our shit together”! Now I’m going to do you all a favor and link to some of the funniest women comedians. Keep laughing and sending your positive vibes into the world and we will start to be a better world. 🙂

Did you buy any of that shit? lol As I write all of this, my house is wrecked and my kids crap from college is all over the house and my dog is running around barking his head off because I am not even paying attention to him right now. My husband is frantically trying to organize some stuff so I will shut the hell up. I think they are all afraid of me….

Here are those links:

Karen Morgan:

Love her!

Leanne Morgan: Not related to Karen. I don’t think.

She’s Great!

Dulcé Sloan:

She talks a little on Race but so funny!

8 responses to “No Politics, Race or Covid Today Bitches!”

  1. I am following a Minimalism lifestyle and have been for almost five years now and I love it. So getting rid of crap has been my mantra for a while now. It is SO therapeutic. I have even named stuff after real life people I can’t stand before throwing them in the Goodwill pile. I suggest that for everyone. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Let me give you #11, which you will soon find out puts all your previous 10 to shame. First off, I have done all of the above. My house is clean. Walking the dog 3X a day. There’s no clutter. Goodwill is closed but the box units you find around town are open 24/7. I stuffed my crap into those boxes. So what if they make them into rag rugs!!
    If I watch another episode of Star Wars on Disney Plus, I think I will scream. I’m taking pics of my life at home, posting them to my Instagram. I’m having my morning cup of joe on my back deck. I watching the birds. I’m watching the trees sway in the breeze….which brings me to #11. Thanks to my military friends, I’m getting freebies of the best medicinal pot on the planet. Six puffs and I’m in heaven. Just a half joint a day keeps the woolies away. Things look so much better on Mother Earth when you’re stoned. Food tastes great. Comedians are funnier. Clothes and the house seem cleaner. Reminds me of what we went through during the Viet Nam war. I think everyone was stoned back then! Time to bring back the good ole days. The tolerable days. The ‘I think I can make it’ days. The days of peace and love ins.
    Wake me up when it’s Covid-00.
    And the election is over!

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